Homemade Linguine
Homemade Pasta sounds intimidating, but it's not actually hard! It's a little soul improving work that results in delicious food an a meal to impress. This recipe calls for a richer pasta using more egg yolks than whites. This recipe also calls for using a pasta maker, specifically, I used the one that attaches to a stand mixer, but any other pasta maker will do as well.
Materials: Pasta Maker
6 Egg Yolks
4 Egg Whites
4 C 00 Semolina Flour
1 Generous Pinch of Salt
1 Teaspoon Olive Oil
1. Measure out flour and form into a well.
2. Put eggs in the well and mix with fork until combined. Slowly add flour from the inside of the well and incorporate it into eggs.
*Tip* Be careful not to use too much flour at a time or your well will collapse and the eggs will spill all over!
3. Once a dough is formed kneed the dough by pushing down and out until a smooth ball is formed (about 8 minutes of kneeding)
4. Cover the ball in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30minutes.
5. Cut the dough into 6ths. Flatten slightly and check that your pasta maker is set on the widest setting and feed through 1/6th of the flattened dough.
6. Use one hand to feed it through the machine and the other to catch the pasta from the other side until it is running quickly and smoothly through the machine without continuing to get flatter.
**Tip** this is a feeling you can feel the machine's tension become less on the dough as you feed it through.

7. Change the setting to the next lowest (zero to one, or one to two depending on your machine). And repeat feeding through the dough with one hand and catching it with the other until it runs smoothly through the machine and is ready for the next setting.
8. Determine how thick you want your noodles to be, for linguine a thicker noodle is traditional, so I stopped my machine at the 5th setting despite my machine having 8 settings.
9. Change the attachment on your pasta maker to the fettuccine or linguine attachment which will cut your pasta into strips. If you do not have this attachment you can gently fold your flattened pasta dough about 4xs and cut it into strips with a knife and achieve the same results.
10. Place the noodles in additional flour so they remain dry and wont get stuck to one another. Most people put their noodles in pretty "nests", but putting them in a giant pile works exactly the same if you have enough flower to keep them from sticking.
11. Repeat steps 6-10 with the remaining dough while bringing a pot of salted water to a boil.
12. Once the salted water is boiling drop in the pasta. It should take about 45 seconds to a minute to cook.
**Tip** you know the pasta is done when it floats to the top of the pot. Remove it immediately and serve with your delicious Homemade Tomato Sauce !
Enjoy !!